Blue Mountains Commuters and Transport Users Association


Press release: Station staff cuts on the mountains

3 April 2009

Blue Mountains Gazette

The Association does not agree with any reduction of staff or hours of operation on the Blue Mountains Line. The Community of the Blue Mountains appreciates the service from Station Staff and it is pleasing the newly appointed staff is carrying on the tradition.

Introducing casual staff RailCorp is inadvertently treating the B.M Community casually as well: we are not elitist but value good service

If saving money is the object then RailCorp should look at the cost savings that could be made by avoiding cost overruns on major projects & introducing Cost Controls that avoids repetitive ICAC Investigations.

RailCorp should appreciate the effort the staff does in carrying out their duties, reintroduce ticketing sales, EFTPOS and other services. Railcorp should encourage the Station and not deflate all their efforts subsequently lowering the standard of service to the Community.

RailCorp should place a priority on the following issues e.g. Overcrowding, timetable issues, luggage and bicycle refurbishment of Intercity Cars and other issues the Association has raised. These express our concerns and noticeably no complaints on station staff.

RailCorp should recognise there is an opportunity to increase patronage in the present climate; people want to come back to Public Transport the Traffic Reports indicate the problems on the roads decreasing the “Front Line Staff” is not in the best interest of RailCorp or the Community

The Association is most disappointed that consultation did not take place. We therefore want full disclosure of the facts before any agreement can be reached but the basis of excellent customer service is existing and can be improved. We cannot see from Informed Sources from outside of Blue Mountains, that altering the present system has value.

Yours faithfully
Paul Trevaskis Hon Sect BMCTUA